Fostering Music

Our Mission:

To Foster the Love of Music.

We help provide quality music lessons and musical instruments for children currently in or adopted out of the foster care system.


Our Mission

Fostering Music is a charitable organization dedicated to enriching the lives of children currently in, or adopted out of, the foster care system, by providing musical instruments and quality music instruction in conjunction with local music stores. By partnering with local foster care agencies, we are able to identify the children in Western Pennsylvania with the greatest need.


Our Partners

Fostering Music is proud to work with music stores in the areas of Western Pennsylvania that we serve.

Fostering Music Logo corrected version 10-10-18.jpg

Get Involved

You can get involved with Fostering Music today by contacting us or making a donation toward getting more children into our program.


Contact Us

If you see a need you can fill, think we should be aware of an issue, have a question about our program that is not answered in the FAQ, or need to contact us for another reason, click the button below.


Make a Donation

Support Fostering Music’s mission to provide quality music lessons and instruments to children currently in and adopted out of the foster care system by making a donation today.